so much to think about after home fellowship every week, for sure. a few highlights and things that we continued to talk about in the car on the way home...
- brad mentioned tonight how different it is to live in america, and i started thinking about how much that has effected the way i view God, Christianity, heaven, the purpose of life, etc. sadly, i realized in the car that i don't have a huge desire for heaven...i don't think about it very often b/c, to be honest, i really don't have it bad here. i started talking about it in the car and nick mentioned the fact that so many times, we think about heaven as more of a "materialistic" thing. as immature as this sounds, it was like a light when off in my head that i haven't really thought about often, if even at all. when i think of heaven, i try to imagine the "streets of gold" and all the "beauty" that we will find, but that doesn't really appeal to me because i'm quite satisfied with the things i see on this earth. when i do this, i am ignorantly forgetting that when i get to heaven, i will have a full and complete knowledge of God -- and this is what i crave each and every day in my life and in my prayers. i can't even fathom how wonderfully satisfying and awesome it will be to understand everything i've struggled with or blindly had faith in for so long. not to mention the fact that i will be completely physically healed; this in itself is absolutely enough for me to long for because i have no concept of that feeling. i have always believed that i am luckier having never felt "normal" when it comes to my physical state, but when i think about heaven, i definitely consider myself luckier to feel complete healing from this earthly, broken body. the thought actually makes me want to weep.
- brad also talked about how in other countries, people are "fatalistic," meaning that they wake up everyday with the expectation that things are going to be bad or even that they may die from the various things they deal with or encounter on a daily basis, whereas in america we are the opposite. we wake up everyday with the expectation that things BETTER go our way, or we are completely thrown off with nothing but pity for ourselves. this is exactly what i deal with on a daily basis, and the part of me that i am so trapped inside and loathe at the same time. what an interesting country we live in; a blessing a curse, as so many things are in life (the curse being our own fault, of course).
- justine also brought up how we are to figure out what to do with our lives, and we discussed that on the way home. we talked about something donnie said a few weeks ago, when he said that the job we use as a source of income on earth is really just a means to do what we are really here for on earth. this is really important to me where i am in life right now, b/c i have a hard time justifying doing anything outside "the ministry" b/c of how unimportant i tend to think everything else is...but at the same time, i don't feel a calling to be in "the ministry," or what people generally think of that as. interesting stuff.
actually, i think that's enough for tonight. my little human brain can't take much more at this point.