- it's a darn good thing that God uses us even when we don't think we're doing ANYTHING that could possibly be of use to Him. i have been feeling for the past couple months that i am doing nothing worthwhile and really just floundering around with my life, right in between college and the real world. and thank goodness God knows when you feel that way and sends encouragment that keeps you going everyday.
(i.e. - there was an interview with me in the campbell times two weeks ago because i won homecoming queen. they had emailed me 8 or 10 questions to answer, and said they would choose a few to publish. one of the questions was something like "what's a major challenge you face?" i sat and the computer and thought about it for awhile, the obvious answer being my arthritis, but telling myself that i shouldn't use that answer b/c i don't want people to feel sorry for me. then i told myself that i should suck it up and answer the question correctly, b/c that's my life, and i shouldn't try to downplay it. so i answered the question, explaining my arthritis and mentioning my elbow replacement this past summer. the following monday, i received an email from the campbell times with an attachment email forwarded from a lady in tarboro who had seen the paper and wanted get in contact with me . turns out her 13-year-old daughter has severe arthritis in her elbow and is very apprehensive about having any surgery to correct it. in my reply, i asked her how she got her hands on a paper, and if she took night classes or something. she replied that her son happened to be at campbell that weekend for a boy scout conference and had picked up a paper and brought it home. she also told me that her daughter kept the paper and reads it often. -insert michelle cries her eyes out here- i have since proceeded to think to myself "what if the only reason i won homecoming was to be able to help that little girl? what if the only reason i know enough people to win is to help that little girl?" you just never know.)
- it's been a very interesting semester for me compared to the past 6 i've spent here. my life has changed a lot, for the simple fact that many of the people i used to spend all my time with have grad classes and boyfriends/fiancees and real jobs. so i find myself spending time with people that i haven't even really known in the past few years, yet i am SO glad i get to hang out with this year. i've been able to get to know and hang out with so many people from sga this year too, and that has really been a blessing to my life. i don't think i can possibly explain how much those people make my days. don't get me wrong, i'm very thankful for the time i do have with my old friends, but i realize that we lead very different lives these days. i hope we can continue to spend more and more time together, though, since this part of life is almost over for me.
- i'm really trying to do what i can where i'm at and with the time i have. it's REALLY hard, but i'm trying in so many areas.
- i have to say that i'm soooo thankful for katie and lindsay every hour of my life. they are incredibly different people, but they definitely share in the fact that they care and they have good hearts. can't ask for more than that.
- i was so happy to see my family at homecoming. and i am really looking forward to thanksgiving to see my family and old friends.
- i think that's all for now. i have GOT to do this paper.
breakfast clubbing toniiiiight!
okay, i don't usually like to get super serious... well i do, but i dont typically like to show it. but i am always amazed at how God uses people. our paper back home did an article on this little boy who had osteogenesis imperfecta, which is what i have, and it was this really touching story. at the end of the article it mentioned a charity dinner to raise money for o.i. research and awareness. my friend and i went, and had just planned to go and support them financially. but the mother of the little boy came up to us and introduced herself and said that something had urged her to introduce herself to us. so i told her that i had o.i. and we talked about it for a while. then she just started to cry. and i didn't understand. she explained to me that until then she was worried that her little 3 year old would not be able to live a normal life, but i had given her so much hope. she went around and i think introduced me to just about EVERYONE there, and it really changed the mood of the dinner. i've never really been angry with God for giving me this disease, but i always felt like there needed to be a reason for it, too. and i was also kind of embarrassed by the disease. i hated explaining it to people. especially when i came down to college because no one here knew about all my fractures and breaks in middle school and high school. i was going to use this as a chance to "run away" from my past and "run away" from my... well... genetics. (another reason i didnt talk to you freshman year at cia). but now i kinda embrace it, because i never know who i am going to be able impact, and thats exciting. so i am so glad for the experience God has given you thru the campbell times! and on a total tangent from that, im so glad that you are spending time with people you havent known the past few years, too... we've had some good times :)
^ we need to talk more about this whole thing in person sometime....just the disease in general b/c we probably have ome VERY similar stories...
definitely... maybe over coffee or chi, haha. oh and by the way, now i am stalking you... bwa ha ha!!!!!
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