Friday, September 23, 2005

a few things

first of all, i am so impressed with everyone on sga. SO much work in SO little time. and we're all hanging out all the time. i love it.

in other news...

i read about myself in the Bible today.

basically, while Jesus was eating with the pharisees one night, an "immoral" woman came and washed His feet with her hair and poured perfume on them. the pharisees could not understand why Jesus would let someone like her touch His feet.

Jesus proceeded to tell a story to the pharisees so that they could answer their own question. two men owed money to a moneylender. one owed $500 and the other $50. they were both broke, so the moneylender decided to cancel their debts. then He asked "which one of them will love him more?"

(in case you don't know...the answer is the man who owed $500. c'mon, even the pharisees knew that)

then Jesus compared the pharisees to the woman, saying that she was a lot more loving than they were, since they didn't have that much "debt" to cancel in the first place.

"therefore, I tell you, her many sins are forgiven -- for she loved much. but he who has been forgiven little loves little." (luke 7:47)


i've been thinking a lot about that today....

i really do think that since i haven't had a particularly rough past, at times i don't show enough mercy and forgiveness to those around me. it's very interesting to consider how much my past does effect the way i treat people now. that's why i'm REALLY focusing on getting to know people personally, so that i don't misunderstand them and so that i can respect them for who they are. when you don't take the time to understand others' perspectives, you automatically assume that they do or should have your own.

anyway, i don't really know what else to say about that...just something that really struck me today for some reason.

this pharisee's going to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you read about me in the Bible, too. Seriously, I could have written most of that blog.