Monday, September 17, 2007

i need Thee every hour

i don't know if i'm just emotional or what (well, i KNOW that i AM emotional, but i don't know how much more or less than anyone else)...

but it seems like everyday is a roller coaster for me lately. and everyday i also come to a point where i am completely content and at peace with my faith in God and not understanding and controlling everything around me, even if it's only for an hour before bed...

then i wake up again in the morning and start over. dang it! i find myself praying every night "Lord, please help me to remember this mindset and peace tomorrow when i start to feel overwhelmed or upset" and it does seem to get a little easier each day.

good thing God doesn't give up on me. i'd give up on me.

"do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will."
romans 12:2


Jeff said...

Amen! I've felt that way myself for periods of my life, so I don't think you're unusual at all!

It's like I told you the other day, I really feel like God's using this period of your life to teach you to trust in Him.

It sounds like you're learning to if you "come to a point where (you are) completely content and at peace with (your) faith in God and not understanding and controlling everything around me." That's awesome!

I would add Proverbs 3 to the things that you quoted there...
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Anonymous said...

A roller coaster ride, huh?

Depends on if it's a scarey ride or a fun, exciting, crazy roller coaster ride.

I choose to make all my rides fun, exciting and a learning experience.

When you hold onto God the ride is always a joy, no matter the circumstances.

love you

Anonymous said...

I have felt like my life was a roller coaster for the last year. Its just been in the last few days that I have felt any sort of relief. I actually wrote about it today.