Tuesday, May 27, 2008

if you don't know (her), now you know.

read me-linda's blog. she's one of the most intelligent people i've ever met, not to mention incredibly sincere, compassionate and loving. lucky for me, i got to spend a year of my life in the same house with her!

i've been pretty overwhelmed lately with a lot of things and i can't even begin to explain that right now. i will say that i have realized recently that most of the people i REALLY admire in my life are those who usually sit back and take it all in, most of the time listening to others and just basically soaking in the wisdom. maybe it's because i feel like they are so different from me that i admire them, but i think it's honestly because of the genuineness that pours from their patience and interestedness in other people's lives. so, i am trying to be a better listener and understander (if that was a word).

one thing is for certain, life is a never-ending balancing act. more on that later...


Travis said...

I think you are one of those patience, wise understanders Michelle. : )

Mip said...

i second that [emotion]


Linds said...

mich - as you said, life is a never ending balancing act... we were/are patient, interestedness listeners & understanders for each other - which i love and appreciate! (even those times when I was nodding off at 3oclock in the morning... :D) I'm sure Mip experienced that too... :)