Sunday, February 20, 2005

it has been a looong week

but in the end, a great one.

wednesday night was the absolute worship tour here at campbell and i got to drive around the bands. i especially enjoyed exit east...they were very entertaining and very down to earth. shannon and i especially liked jo,ing around with mohawk boy about his choice in hairstyle...he decided he didn't like that and threw multiple objects at us, including towels, tape balls, and sound equiptment. (ok, maybe not sound equiptment...)

thursday was the run-off election which i ended up winning, so that was a very nice surprise after a long few weeks.

friday night lisa came through here on her way back to VA and we went to see the breakfast club with melinda, shannon, and mike. gretchen and megan ended up coming and we also saw the boys of 208 and some other camels we know, so it was a GREAT time. i seriously haven't enjoyed anything like that in a long time; i think i had been somewhat stressed and overwhelmed lately and friday i was definitely not that. but man, our feet were hurting SO toe was even bleeding when i took my shoes off when we got back. i'm sure you didn't really want to know that, but it's just further proof that lisa, melinda, and i were dancing machines.

lisa and me at los arados for dinner before heading to raleigh

lisa left saturday morning and last night jeff and i went to chapel hill to tiff's 21st birthday "back to the future" party, so i got to dress 80's for that. it was really awesome and i got to see old friends who were definitely the life of the party decked out in their 80's wear. it's really interesting that all of the people i have met and hung out with seperately now hang out altogether in college at UNC. it's great for me, b/c i get to see them all at once! so that was awesome, and tiff definitely paid attention to detail...she had everything from the movie in her house. what an 80's weekend it was.

proud to know these kids

Nathanael and me reliving our favorite senior superlatives picture

21-year-old tiff, ben's midriff, and me

but now i am still tired. i can't seem to catch up on sleep no matter how hard i try. so i'm going to take a nap before another week begins.

and it's almost spring break...anyone want to plan anything random? let me know.

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