Thursday, October 13, 2005

fall break = the best ever


tonight, i came home to an "early birthday scavenger hunt" where i found a new car in the garage. (not "new," but new for mom's galant) and katie and melinda have known about this for a couple weeks now.

happy fall break to meeeee :)

r.i.p. honda accord with the deer dent in the front...
you will not be missed.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on the new car!

Anonymous said...

Take care of the MG. I'll miss it. Glad it made you happy!

love you,

Kate said...

sad to see it go...but congrats nonetheless...:):)

...sidenote: do you think there's anyway you could transfer that OLD school utb stickers for the back of your newer car?

maybe you can just get a 'like a love affair' sticker, catch up with the times..i'm sure they could rustle one up for such a long time fan...