since graduating college, we have become closer and have recently decided that we want to try to meet each other halfway between where we live as often as possible for dinner, to catch up with one another. we did this last month and it was SO awesome just to chat and be encouraged.
we were supposed to meet tomorrow night for dinner, but we both agreed that it just isn't happening this week...she's got a major change of life plans coming her way and me with my bridesmaiding this weekend.
we did talk on the phone for a bit last night, and it seems the theme of the conversation was how thankful we are for the fact that God so graciously didn't allow our lives to turn out the way we planned them...the fact that He would actually rip us from the plans we dug our nails so tightly into, convincing ourselves that what we thought was best.
(we, of course, were talking about relationships)
this morning i was reminded of how that has also happened in my career (if you can call it that) path. it's funny, because sometimes i forget that my first job was actually supposed to be with espn regional television. i won't go into the long, sad story, but i didn't end up starting due to their HR error. so i ended up back at campbell working for admissions, and although sometimes i certainly question why that part of my life happened, i can see parts of why that happened. then when i began looking for new jobs, i almost accepted a position with "taste of charlotte" (which is why i was reminded this morning...the festival is this weekend - but for a few reasons, didn't feel comfortable accepting the job with such a small company and thus, ended up where i am, working for newell rubbermaid in a pretty wonderful position.
all that to say that throughout my life, the hardest thing for me has been to make big decisions - how long to stay in one place, when to say 'enough is enough' in a relationship or job that isn't quite where it should be, which dreams to chase and how to measure the motive behind those dreams, if suppressing some of my talents to take a job that i need is settling for the 'good' instead of the 'great.'
i have started thinking about this again lately, trying to focus on the things that i DO have in my life...number one being a job...and trying to figure out where to go from here.
ideally, i would go back to school full-time and get a masters ("in what?" is another question...). unfortunately, these decisions are not that easy due simply to the fact that my medical bills cost a fortune and i don't really have the option to just pick up and go where my heart wanders.
my other option being work and get my masters...or just work and try to get myself where i want to go.
and i guess the hardest question holding me back from making any sort of plan is what in the world do i want to do? a loaded question. sometimes i feel like the easier question might be "what DON'T i want to do?"
a quick laundry list of things i've considered doing with my life:
- tv news anchor
- life coach
- marriage & family counselor
- addictions counselor
- student affairs in higher ed
- concert coordinator/something in the music industry*
- high school teacher**
- writer (nonfiction, but not self-help)
- speech writer
- "motivational" speaker
- President of the US of A
and more recently...
- human resources
- channel marketing
- advertising (for Sharpie!)
- coffee shop or wine bar owner (ha!)
- floral designer (what?!? michelle nurturing plants??)
- sports anchor
- still something in the music industry*
- still, a teacher**
the biggest conclusion i take from this is that the things that make me most excited are the ones with the biggest learning curves and i'm really okay with that. i think i feel as if i'm getting dumber by the day and i don't like that.
so, any thoughts on this from my wonderfully wise friends? maybe i should just take a vote from these lists and make my decision based on the people's concensus.
(and don't even vote for "President" because we all know how well that seems to work for me...and if i had to guess, campbell and america might actually be similar battles during the election process and thereafter...)
and that, my friends, deserves a photo.
Hey girl... are you going to Taste of Charlotte this weekend? It is my favorite event all year long :-)
Hey Michelle!
Thanks for all the comments about Ben. I hope you get to see him again soon. He is such a happy baby, and I know you would eat him right up!
My vote is for anything in event planning. Don't squash your creative side. Maybe you can find a day job that pays the bills while pursuing your dreams on the side for a while (you're still SO young!) Don't do school and work. Do work and dreams!
Just my humble opinion!! You are one of the most talented people I know!
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