Monday, November 08, 2004

i should have gone to that time management seminar...

i am so amazed that i'm still awake right now. i slept for about 4.5 hours last night, yet i still sit here on this blog when i could be in bed. buuut, i guess that's college at it's best.

i am really in a great mood tonight. why? i don't know. all i've been working on for the past 24 hours has been my research paper and my arthritis is really taking it's toll on me right now. i think it's the can't decide what it wants to do yet and therefore my joints can't either.

but tonight, i think i will just list a few things that made me happy today and throw some pictures on the end that also make me really happy just to look at.


#1) tonight was cell group potluck. the food was overflowing, and you know potluck food is always good. it was good, clean fun. (just like the KOA slogan...only with a "k" for "klean")

#2) every week at cell group, the girls never cease to amaze me with their fruit-related refreshments. since we're doing the "fruit of the spirit" Bible study, they bring in something fruity each week. this week? definitely bojangle's bo-berry biscuits.....and they were still hot! wow. props go out to rachael and lindsay on that one. and just being involved in cell group each week brings my great joy and happiness.

#3) my roommate is the greatest. i can share anything and everything with her in all ranges of subjects. that's really difficult to find, especially b/c you never know what's going to come out of my mouth and yet somehow it's always a good time in jones 102. :)

#4) today in world lit, our teacher informed us that there is a place where the gates of hell are in sunnyvale, california. that's where buffy the vampire slayer takes place. that's what makes class worthwhile for zach and me.

and here are a few pictures that really made me happy when i looked back at them tonight:

melinda, me, heather, and shannon at "the motion" show at the brewery...check andrew out in the back behind shannon....he's so hot right now?!?!

mal and i in california pretending to be sick since we were the only ones brave enough to keep riding roller coasters at the boardwalk. oh, how i love cali.

and my all-time favorite picture by the train tracks in raleigh. betty, heather, shannon, me, kelly, katie, and jodi before spring formal last year. :)

soooo, that's about it i think. i guess maybe i should go to bed and stop playing on the computer. goodnight!

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