Sunday, January 23, 2005

actually, now that i think about it,

i do have more to say about friday night. not specifically about fiddler, but about the night.

my favorite parts:

1) i heard that katie beck yelled out "ohhhhh yeahhh" when they started the other bus to fiddler. then when my roommate asked her why, she didn't even realize she had done it. i know this doesn't sound so funny to the oustide world, but i tears come to my eyes just thinking about it.

b. lindsay and i were inspired by the play to learn russian dancing. maybe dimitry breuhl will teach us. which brings me to my last favorite part...

3 - dimitry, on kt beck's driving to wendy's after the show: "my prayer life will be much stronger when this trip is over." (add the ukranian accent and it's grrrrreat)

so here's to fiddler...melinda's birthday soon to come.

linds, dimitry, and i russian dancing

the bff and i love billy joel.

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