Saturday, January 29, 2005

i took the "could you be a simpson" quiz on

and here are my results:

Like Ashlee, you prefer punk rock to polished pop and you've been known to wanna "la-la" from time to time. Like Jessica, your sense of humor makes everyone smile but you don't need your mom to help you do your laundry; you're perfectly capable of handling that on your own, thank you very much. Fluffy puppies in Louis Vuitton carriers probably aren't your thing either. A bull dog is way more your style. You could definitely hang with the Simpsons but overall, their family isn't the best fit for you. How about the Osbourne family? You'd have way more fun throwing hams (and curse words) with Sharon than you would singing carols with Nick and Jessica on their next Christmas special.

okay with me.

the real reason i did that is i am applying to intern for mtv this summer. definitely a long-shot, but hey, it could happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello bff? you never mentioned it. lol.

where did you find the quiz?