Friday, January 21, 2005

after this semester is over

i will be a photographer/webmaster.

today in photography, i learned how to take pictures with a starburst filter and how to create my own blurry filters with space where the subject can remain clear. this was exciting, b/c i really want a blurry picture where the subject is totally clear. yes, i'm a dork.

also, for one of my assignments, i have to turn in a portrait so i need to shoot a few people. any takers?

today in web page, i learned the beginnings of writing a web page in html format. seriously, i feel like i'm now actually acquiring skills that i can use later on. and i'll be creating a detailed web page for the end of this semester...any ideas would be much appreciated.

tonight, linds and i have managed to waste lots of time on the internet looking at dresses and, well, dresses. exciting times here in jones 102.

as for the snow, i'm not too fond. but we'll see!

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